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    美國(guó)最負(fù)聲望的報(bào)紙《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》,今日推出了其中文網(wǎng)站——紐約時(shí)報(bào)中文網(wǎng)(cn.NYTimes.com Beta版),為中國(guó)讀者帶來(lái)代表西方世界最高新聞水準(zhǔn)的精華綜合資訊內(nèi)容。紐約時(shí)報(bào)中文網(wǎng)已同時(shí)進(jìn)駐新浪、騰訊、搜狐、網(wǎng)易四大中文微博。


    紐約時(shí)報(bào)公司(紐約證交所代碼:NYT)是一家頂尖的全球性多媒體新聞資訊傳媒集團(tuán),旗下媒體包括《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》、《國(guó)際先驅(qū)論壇報(bào)》、《波士頓環(huán)球報(bào)》、NYTimes.com, BostonGlobe.com, Boston.com, About.com 及 cn.NYTimes.com。


    The New York Times Chinese Website Launches Today

    The New York Times, America’s most prestigious newspaper, launched an online edition in Chinese today (cn.NYTimes.com Beta version), bringing Chinese readers handpicked news and information that represents the highest level of western journalism.

    Cn.NYTimes.com’s full name is “New York Times Chinese Website International Herald”, with one of its focuses on international coverage, hoping to bring Mainland Chinese audience a different angle of global news. It also provides good amount of coverage in culture, fashion and lifestyle. It is the very first Chinese language product produced directly by The New York Times Company. It takes advantages from the company’s 1,200 journalists and 30 international bureaus, and will also make use of top-notch Chinese columnists and writers for original, local content. The New York Times already produces the most widely read English-language newspaper website in the world.

    The New York Times Company (NYSE: NYT) is a leading global, multimedia news and information company that includes The New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, The Boston Globe, NYTimes.com, BostonGlobe.com, Boston.com, About.com and cn.NYTimes.com.

    The New York Times, well known for its high-quality journalism worldwide, is a brand familiar to educated Chinese, and is usually regarded as a benchmark by the China media industry. The Times has won 108 Pulitzer Prize, an achievement no other western media could be compared with. In the Internet era, NYTimes.com has also become a paradigm of US traditional media’s digitalization efforts.


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